New species of minieature gecko New species of minieature gecko

Auction: choose the name of a new species

Bid to choose the official name of one of the new species discovered through the ASDF project. The name of the new species can honor loved ones or conservation heroes. Your donation supports the ASDF fundraiser as well as the research needed to complete the scientific publication.

$121,500 raised of $4,250,000 goal.


7 backers. 587 days to go.

What names can be chosen?

The scientific names will be a Latinized version of the requested name, and will follow the rules of name formation according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Names can honor almost any person, family, or institution but must not be considered controversial or offensive.

How long does it take?

The naming of species is part of the scientific process of publishing research results, which requires the writing of a manuscript and a detailed peer-review process before publication. Therefore, a lag time of 2–3 years in finalizing the species description is common.

Who else has a species?

There is a stunning frog named after King Charles (Hyloscirtus princecharlesi), a horse fly named after Beyoncé (Scaptia beyonceae), and a lichen named after Dolly Parton (Japewiella dollypartoniana). A spider bears Bernie Sanders’s surname; Michael Jackson has a crustacean to call his own; and Donald J. Trump’s name graces a moth (Neopalpa donaldtrumpi).


Image of a beetle


Min. bid: $25,000
3 claimed of 5 found

Image of a butterfly


Min. bid: $20,000
1 claimed of 3 found

Image of a chameleon


Min. bid: $40,000
3 found

Image of a frog


Min. bid: $50,000
1 claimed of 40 found

Image of a jumping spider

Jumping spiders

Min. bid: $28,000
1 claimed of 5 found

Image of a viper


Min. bid: $100,000
4 found

Image of a gecko


Min. bid: $30,000
7 found

Image of an orchid


Min. bid: $18,000
3 found

Image of a bat


Min. bid: $68,000
1 found

Image of a salamander


Min. bid: $65,000
2 found

Image of a caecilian


Min. bid: $70,000
1 claimed of 4 found

Image of a blind snake

Blind snake

Min. bid: $55,000
2 found

2023 discoveries

In 2023, the Khamai Foundation team published two research papers in which six new species of snail-eating snakes were described as new to science. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio named one of them after his mother, Irmelin, and philanthropist billionaire Brian Sheth named another one of the species after his daughter, Marley.

DiCaprio Snail-eating Snake (Sibon irmelindicaprioae). When actor Leonardo DiCaprio attends an awards ceremony, he frequently has his mother by his side. However, his mother has now made a different mark - she’s become a part of biological history. In an effort to draw attention to the environmental dangers posed by mining in Central and South America, the actor has given the name of his mother, Irmelin, to a recently uncovered species of snake that feasts on snails. Photo by Alejandro Arteaga.

Marley’s Snail-eating Snake (Sibon marleyae). The scientific name marleyae is a patronym honoring a young nature lover, Marley Sheth, the 11-year old daughter of Brian and Adria Sheth, both long-time supporters of biodiversity conservation around the world. Photo by Jose Vieira.